Coffee Break Reading List (August 19, 2019)

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Some of the things around the web that I've been reading or exploring during recent coffee breaks:
  • I keep seeing articles all over the web about the importance of handwriting, especially cursive. The latest is this one on Quartz – Keyboards are overrated. Cursive is back and it's making us smarter. Increased brain activity, better processing of information, and limiting distraction are just a few of the benefits. I've written about the same thing here: Books in Print and Handwritten Notes and here: Do You Teach Cursive Handwriting?
  • Getting ready to go back to homeschool? I'm not, having graduated my youngest, but I still found Kristen's Top Five Ways to Prepare for Back to School: Homeschool Style on A Mom's Quest to Teach really interesting. Yep, we did a lot of those things!
  • But enough about academics! Did you know that making fudge was a form of rebellion at women's colleges in the late 19th century? At Gastro Obscura, I found out that America's Early Female College Students Held Illicit Fudge Parties. Isn't history fun?
Some fun things I've found during coffee breaks: 

Some things Homechool Review Crew members are sharing:
  • Last week was the Homeschool Review Crew Not Back to School Homeschool Blog Hop. Whew! Long name – lots of great articles by Crew bloggers! Start with a couple of the anchor posts on the Crew blog, like this one: Homeschool Encouragement and then pay a visit to the participating bloggers who wrote on all kinds of themes. I was on vacation last week so it will take me awhile to browse through all the great stuff! And I'm not even homeschooling this year!
  • On At Home: Where Life Happens, Lori wrote a series about learning life skills. Kimberley of Vintage Blue Suitcase does most of her homeschooling while traveling, and her series Roadschooling With a Teenager provides tips that are also useful if you actually homeschool at home. Who stays at home while homeschooling though? I mean, really?!
What I've been reading during longer coffee breaks: 
Unshakeable: A Story of Unwavering Faith and Conviction by Elizabeth Wiens The Yellow Lantern: True Colors: Historical Stories of American Crime by Angie Dicken Britfield & the Lost Crown by C.R. Stewart 
Find out more at my book blog Just A Second. 
Found anything interesting on the web lately? Read any good books? Leave a comment and let me know! 
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