Cartoons to the Rescue! (Info-Videos for Adopters of Every Breed)
BADRAP’s website is getting a scrub and an update this summer so the mega-ton of content that’s been piling up is easier to find. Can’t. Wait.
Here’s a sneak peek of some of the ways we’re working to put good info into the hands of rockin’ dog owners…
1. Understanding Dog Tolerance Levels. How does your dog feel about other dogs? Some of our most-shared material turned into a two minute animated teach-in. Live it, share it.
2. Dog Intros at Home – For the Win. A new dog is moving in. Exciting! Got three minutes to learn how to do it right? Here are our best tips for making those crucial intros go smoothly so the friendship starts off on the right paw.
Shelters, Rescues and Every Day Educators: These videos are meant to be shared, so feel free to grab the embed code to help dog owners in your corners find the best success with their buddies. Thank you!
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