Laura Sibson & Nala
Who is in the photo at right? In this photo you see me, Laura Sibson, with Nala, our 11-year-old female Labrador Retriever lying nearby on her dog bed. I am a writer living in the northwest corner of Philadelphia. My debut young adult novel The Art of Breaking Things has just been released on June 18! My favorite place to write is this kitchen table and Nala is never far from me. What's the occasion for Coffee with a Canine? This is pretty much us every day. As a writer, I often work at home and Nala is my primary company. There are days when I don’t speak to anyone all day except for Nala. I’m grateful for her company. What's brewing? I’m so glad you asked! My favorite coffee is La Colombe. My husband and I are equally hooked on coffee so we have it delivered in 5 lb. bags. We brew traditional coffee at home, but when I write in a coffee house, I’ll treat myself to a latte. Any treats for you or Nala on this occasion? Nala is always up for treats. As a Labrador Retriever, s...