The housing shortage: Bad apples are tripping you up

“Landlords are greedy and they don’t like pit bulls. If insurance companies would lighten up, more pit bulls could get homes.” False. Well, mostly false. According to nearly 70 landlords and property managers who responded to a 12 question survey we circulated recently, insurance and breed types have been non-issues in their decisions to rent to pet owners. Instead, they told us that the main obstacle to maintaining a dog friendly policy is the damage, mess and nuisance noise caused by former tenants with all types of dogs. That, and the fact that housing is at such a premium that there are dozens of qualified families without pets standing in line, ready to pay historically high rents for their hard-to-find apartments. Supply and demand, headaches vs. landlord convenience. It makes sense, doesn’t it? Only three of the landlords we polled mentioned insurance as a potential obstacle to renting to pit bulls and other dogs, and onl...