Game Changer Dogs – Viva the Evolution

We lost our founding dog Sally recently, which was as big a blow as anyone can experience when saying good-bye to a dear friend. Our nostalgia about our seventeen year friendship with her stirred a project we’d been simmering for years: An image-rich tribute to the human-animal bond and the ways we’re transformed by that bond. The healing, motivation and comfort that dogs offer in exchange for a meal and some ear scratches have been a source of poetry and prose for centuries, and now, as pit bulls secure their rightful place in our culture, their fans seem to have no shortage of gratitudes and stories. In fact, people have been writing to us since our group began to express their amazement at their love for .. . a dog. We feel like therapists at times, taking confessionals from people who can’t quite believe how much their lives have changed for the better. “We understand,” we reply. The human-animal bond is big stuff. It’s been nudging us to evolve our thinking about o...