Learning lots to help people and their pets!

After a bit of a hiatus from blogging, I’m back!! There’s been lots of exciting things happening since my last post, and some super exciting stuff on the horizon, so here’s an update on all that…. Last year I was lucky to participate in a number of professional development and further education workshops, seminars and conferences, both in Australia and overseas. I’m a huge proponent of ongoing education because we never stop learning in life and so I’m committed to continually broadening my knowledge and acquiring more experience as a behaviourist. This ensures I’m able to bring the most up-to-date, scientific and ethical training techniques to my clients. Clicker training Carolyn to peck the black disk at Chicken Camp Here’s some of the ongoing education I did last year (click on the links for more information): Science Based Training (with Feeling) Seminar in Melbourne – Dr Ian Dunbar Chicken Camp workshop in Perth, Australia – Terry Ryan ,...