
Showing posts from August, 2004

Demonization or knowledge-based support? Aurora, CO is getting ready to decide

October�s dappled light likes teasing us into reflecting on life’s lessons and mysteries. In the spirit of celebrating our bond with dogs, our supporters have been sharing some truly remarkable stories of the power of dogs to change, and in many cases, to save the lives of their people. (When you can, please visit this amazing facebook thread for  reflections on profound personal change .) 2014 has been an especially good year  for activating lessons learned from living with dogs. At no time in our eons long history with canines have humans had access to so much  credible information  regarding dog behavior, bite prevention and the all-important human element in creating and maintaining safe, humane communities. That swell of knowledge is changing us for the better. As a result of dog owner education for example, the number of reported dog bites has been plummeting in many major cities. ( Link ) This year, we�re happy to see Aurora, Colorado put its toe ...